Who doesn’t face problems in their lives? They just are inevitable. Therefore, problem solving becomes one of the primary skills you should master to develop a successful mindset. If you fail to power and flex your problem solving ability, you risk living an extremely scattered and arbitrary life.

Many things are to be taken care of when dealing with an issue and attempting to overcome that. There are only two possibilities of the outcome, but they are largely determined by the approach and the attitude you decide to tackle it with. So basically, it is the way you decide to sort the issue out that determines the end product.

You cannot be successful in life, or in your profession or business, if you don’t have a solution-oriented mindset. You should know that it’s the successful people who face, endure, and resolve more backbreaking issues. How do they do that? Well, answering this question is the sole purpose of this article.

In this simple, but effective, 10-Step Problem Solving guide, you will learn how to discover and act upon the best solutions to overcome any issues. Most importantly, your problem solving abilities will get strengthened, enabling you to productively tackle otherwise stressful challenges.

1. Know The Issue

Without just throwing yourself at the problem, first of all, know the issue in detail. Problem solving becomes way easier when you truly know the issue, because then you can act promptly. This will hasten the problem solving process without giving rise to any detrimental consequences. Otherwise, if you just throw yourself at it, you are panicking out of stress and anxiety which is never good. Take your time to properly define the issue. 

If there are other parties involved, then consult them as well. Understand everyone’s interests and ascertain all the facts about the issue. Solving an issue with a group is always easier than solving alone, because different mindsets perceive the situation differently and so you will know more than enough about the issue. Sometimes the solution is there, right in front of you, just lying to be discovered. So, problem resolution in a group will aid the process, and make finding the solution easier.

It is also important to discover the root cause of the problem. Knowing what caused the problem is extremely necessary, because it will help you to eliminate the issue once and for all. When you have properly defined the problem and the root cause, only then can you solve the issue completely. Once you have fully marked the issue and the core cause, only then can you begin finding the solution. 

2. Be Positive And Creative In Your Approach

A very positive approach is important to deal with any sort of issue. A positive approach is itself an outcome of a positive mindset. You face millions of issues in life. There are tons of problems to solve. This is a huge burden, and it may tire you. This is where your positive mindset should kick in. You need to be optimistic and put in as much effort as you can. If you take a positive approach to resolve your issues, you will not only be able to successfully resolve them, but also eventually minimize their occurrence. 

Apart from dealing with issues positively, it is important to be creative. Positivity alone can’t guarantee a solution. You have to think differently, unconventionally, form new perspectives. Your thinking should be novel and innovative. You have already come a long way in life, you have faced all types of situations. You have been facing and resolving issues all your life. It’s just another situation, it’s no big deal. Keep your end goal in mind and go ahead. Leaders always tackle their issues with a positive and creative approach. That is what you have to do, be a leader!

3. Find Out All Possible Solutions

This is an important step in problem solving. There may be more than one solution to the issue you face. Usually, there are multiple things you could do in a situation. Therefore, it is vital to find all the possible solutions to the issue. Addressing an issue with just a single solution can be a bad idea, because the solution may not be the best one. It will limit your ability to resolve the issue. On the other hand, if you find all possible solutions, you have a better chance of addressing the issue with the best solution. Moreover, if the best-fit solution fails, you will have alternative solutions ready to be implemented.

Now, to find all possible solutions, it is important that you analyze the issue from all directions. Seeing an issue from all possible angles will help you link and relate other problems, if any, with it as well. This will in turn help you unify them and, maybe, devise a single solution for all. So, give up any narrow-mindedness and think broadly. Every issue is basically a question. What you have to do is answer it with a solution that offers the best outcome. This is what leaders do!

4. Identify The Best Solution

The next step, after you have identified all possible solutions, is to try and figure out the one with the best outcome. Know that half of the problem is already solved. But this part is tricky, as sometimes you may be confused between two or more solutions that seem to offer the desired outcome. Remember, there is always one better than the other. So, here you have to be cautious, clever, and confident. Look in-depth, narrow down the list of solutions, and get to the best-suited one. How do you achieve this? Well, just visualize and compare the outcomes the different solutions in front of you will result in. The outcome that suits the situation the best, is the one you are looking for. 

As already mentioned, this part may be tricky. So, take your time. Take a break if you want. Think crystal clear and only then decide which solution offers the best fate. Do not hasten, but do not hesitate either. It is important that you are confident in your decisions. Don’t take the situation lightly, as it may turn to become worse. But at the same time, don’t let it consume you. No matter how surreal the issue is, it is conquerable. 

5. The Solution May Fail

It is understandable that the solution may fail. A lot of times the best solutions fail to provide the desired outcome. You have to, in advance, keep this in mind and also take responsibility for it. You should know, in advance, all the repercussions you may have to face. When you know what you may have to face in advance, it will be easier for you to endure it if it happens. But how do you prepare to endure it? Remember the first step of this guide? Yes, positivity, you have to be positive no matter what. You have to be positive and stay focused on your end goal, even in the worst-case scenario. 

The best solution you have come up with may either fail completely, or in part. It may either provide a bit of the desired outcome, or nothing at all. The good thing is that even if your best-devised solution fails, it is not actually a failure. You will definitely learn from it, and it will only help you to devise a better-fit solution. Now, it also depends upon the type of mindset you have. If you are a leader, it will only push you in your quest to figure out the best solution. 

6. Know Your Responsibility

Now, it’s time to know, in advance, that you are responsible if the solution doesn’t offer the outcome aimed. In fact, you should be taking responsibility for all the things happening in your life. Even if there is no fault of yours in something that happens to you, you should feel responsible for that as well. This mentality is an entrepreneur mindset and a successful mindset. Such a mentality will always keep you pushing to put in your best efforts. 

Again, if there are multiple parties involved in the issue you are facing, then you should at least take responsibility for your part. Know that taking responsibility is a leadership quality. You don’t need to pressurize yourself to the extreme but be committed to taking your share. This not only will help you resolve the issue you currently face, but also help you to resolve anything else you may face in the future. Also, make sure that everyone else knows what their responsible for. When everyone in a group is sincerely responsible for their part, it helps to promptly solve any issue.

7. Implement The Solution

Now you already know all the repercussions you may have to face if your solution to the problem fails, and you know your responsibility. It is time to implement the solution to reach your end goal. This is what you have put all your efforts in for. If you have sincerely worked hard to solve the issue, the solution you have come up with should be enough to resolve it. 

For problem resolution, especially in business, it is recommended that you time your solution, basically make a timeline. Set a deadline for implementing the solution. Also, calculate the time it will take to work and the results to appear. But still, not all issues can be solved easily. Sometimes a situation can turn to be more complex than first thought. You may have to face other complex problems as you try to solve the actual issue at hand. But, if you stay focused on your end goal, and strive further to achieve it, you can overpower any repercussions. 

8. Execute Alternative Solutions

If the solution doesn’t work as intended, the situation can become more complicated. But, if you follow the process as mentioned in this article, you have probably already sorted out all the possible solutions. Alternative solutions that you have already devised can be a savior here. Since you will have many alternates to choose from, the complex situation can become easy. You know that the solution is one of these that are already in front of you. 

It is recommended to address the situation with a better-fit solution now – the second to the one you choose as the best fit. This way you can implement other alternative solutions as well, but beware you may have to amend your action plan now. If your main solution fails, obviously it may become difficult to address the situation then. But, it will surely prepare you for the future by enhancing your problem solving ability, increasing your potential to work effectively under pressure.  

9. Keep Track Of The Results

Understandably, the whole purpose of problem solving is to get desired results. Since you already have your end goal in mind, you now only have to keep track of the outcomes of the solution you apply to solve the issue. The desired end goal will be reflected in the success of the solution. The timeline mentioned in the 7th step will help you to determine to what extent your solution is working.

Keep track of the outcomes and compare them with the calculations you already made. If everything is happening timely, then congratulations, you are on the right track. But, if things are getting delayed, you may need to amend and improve your action plan. An improved action plan will surely work its magic. Developing new solutions, under pressure, will also help you to improve your problem solving methods for the future. After all, we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking.

10. Not All Issues Can Be Solved

Obviously, you can never solve all your issues. Some just are there to remain! What you can do is try your best to resolve them, but you may not get the desired end goal every time. You should be mentally prepared for this possibility as well. Otherwise, it can prove to be detrimental to your confidence and overall mental ability. You should not take it as failure, or let it mess with your mind. Instead, you should take it as your first step towards success. Know that even if you fail to successfully solve the issue, you will always learn something new. It will pave the way for the resolution of the issue you may face in the future. You should take lessons from it and make yourself a better problem solving person. Remember, the more problems you face and try to resolve, the more solution-oriented your mind will become. But, don’t let them mess with your positive mentality. This mindset in business will help you in wealth creation. In fact, such a mindset has made billionaires! 

Final Words

Problem solving is easy, but difficult! It basically depends upon the mindset you have. If you can flex your problem solving nerves, then you can resolve any issue. You know what, you have it all. You just need to train yourself and put in some decent effort. If you follow the steps of the process mentioned in this article, problem solving will become an easy job for you. Focus on your end goal and strive to achieve it. This should be enough to help you resolve any issues you face.

Remember, stay positive, active, and productive. Over time, not only will you master the skill of problem solving, but you will also become better as a person.