Are You Ready To Join The 5% Mindset?

What People Have To Say About Ron Malhotra

Emily Harrison

Founder/Director of Akashic Academy

Emily Harrison

Founder/Director of Akashic Academy

Dr. Tanjia Coleman

President of Reimagine Organization Development

Namrita Chandi

Pilot & Leadership Speaker

Raakesh Rana

Mid-Career and Business Transformational Coach

Prahlad Kakkar

Indian Advertising Film Director

Elinor Moshe

CEO & Founder of The Construction Coach

Dom Basic and Rohini Thomas

Senior Engineer & Lawyer

Christine Gan

Senior Insurance Executive

James Billman


Randa Habelrih

Author, Speaker & Social Inclusion Advocate

Dominic Soh

Author & TedX Speaker

Kath Mac

Founder of Children’s Books & Game Apps

Katrina Young

Founder of Business 360 Bootcamp & Your Coach Directory

Rennae Harris

Senior Mortgage Loan Officer

Sara Blake

Conflict Strategist

Heather Burgett

Award Winning Publicist

Melissa Cauley Kay


Here is what people say about Ron Malhotra, with over 867 reviews on Trustpilot


Ron Malhotra is a mentor who really cares for his people. If you apply just 50% of what he tells you, you’ll have an 80% change in your life.

Poonam Arora
Ron Malhotra knows what you’re thinking before you even know it. Ron Malhotra has 99% of the answers you need. Ron Malhotra has been a Godsend to my life. I would recommend Ron’s events as a necessity to everyone to attend. There is no comparison to the content and the caring that Ron gives to his clients.

Mindi Truitt
Since working with Ron Malhotra, in less than a year I have achieved all of my goals. I’m now looking at bigger and better things with his direction. I have had phenomenal success. If you’re thinking about being mentored by Ron Malhotra, don’t think twice… just DO IT.

Ash Chawla
Business Development Director
Ron Malhotra has raised me to another level of who I thought I was. If you want to find out who you truly are and be the best you can be, then you need to come to one of Ron Malhotra’s programs.

Asdren Ibrahimi
Sales Expert
My life literally imploded and having hit rock bottom, I realised that I needed to change. That’s when I spoke with Ron Malhotra about joining The Success Blueprint program. Doing so gave me access to not only an amazing mentor to inspire and encourage me in the next steps, but the structure and discipline I needed to really understand how to apply myself for success in life.
Since doing Ron Malhotra’s program, I have completely revolutionised how I approach my belief system, as well as adapted my daily patterns to support new and ongoing growth.
I now know that I am the master of my destiny.
My breakthrough moment in the program was when I realised I’m able to do anything I believe in, and I can achieve my dreams by putting simple things into daily practice.
I loved that The Success Blueprint program is simple and easy to use in bite sized pieces. I was able to easily integrate it into my busy schedule – yet still had great thought-provoking processes to work through.
Just do it, the benefits are exponential.

Joanna James
CEO of Australia’s Best Non Bank Lending Business
Having Ron Malhotra as my mentor completely changed my life. His depth of knowledge and understanding about life and principles, helped me to expand my awareness and make the necessary changes to turn my life around. I am certain that anyone who works with Ron Malhotra will feel a positive impact and an enhanced sense of awareness of themselves and everything around them. Ron Malhotra is a magnificent man of character – he adds value wherever he can and he touches lives wherever he goes.

Dina Aletrari
Speaker, Property Investor & Entrepreneur
Transformational is the best way to describe Magnify You. Ron Malhotra is extremely giving and genuine. He encourages you to be who you are. I could not recommend this program more highly. I encourage anyone who knows they have all this power inside of them and wants to make a major change in the world or explode their business, I would really encourage you to work with Ron Malhotra.

Jenny Boymal
Founder of Your Ideal Customer
Highly recommend Ron Malhotra’s work. He has one of the best methods, tools and experiences to coach you to make a positive change in your life. Pleasure to work with Ron and honoured to call him my coach, friend and mentor.

Bijan Yusufzai
Principal at Infinite Talent Group
To anyone who is hesitating on taking Ron Malhotra up on his offer, I would throw away any hesitation. In just one meeting with Ron, he re-oriented my mind and set me on my current trajectory of success. He is a phenomenon.

Catherine Engmann
Managing Director of Platinum Corporate Solutions
What separates Ron Malhotra from other advisors, is his ability to deliver complex, personalised advice that his clients actually understand. He uses 10 words, when most use 100. Clarity and simplicity are incredibly difficult to master… and what everyone in business should all be striving for.

David Thurmond
Mortgage Choice
We all, and I repeat, we all have our unique talents and strengths that lie within us. What we don’t have is a sense of confidence and a person who shows us the way to live by those strengths, and make useful the talents we bury inside of us.
I personally vouch for and commend the efforts of Ron Malhotra, who holds the capacity to bring out the best in us; the very best gifts to our own selves and economy as a whole.

Indira Prasad
Owner of Q Catering
The path of everyone’s life can lead to some unexpected, wonderful ways that can really change your life. This is a bit like what has happened to me since I began my personal development journey with the help of Ron Malhotra’s The Success Blueprint Program.
The decision to begin came from my strong desire of a necessary change in my life. From the very beginning Ron Malhotra showed me a new world and it opened its doors to me. I found out things I have imagined mostly about myself and the potential everyone can hide inside themselves.
My life and my attitude began to change, because I slowly managed to banish some false beliefs that were limiting me. In particular, I appreciated the friendly and practical approach of Ron Malhotra’s The Success Blueprint. Everyone can feel completely at ease and if I had to describe it with two words, I would use “essential tool”.
If one really wants to achieve the change and the improvement desired, I strongly advise to join The Success Blueprint.

Rodolfo Parlati
Marketing Consultant and Actor
Ron Malhotra is the consummate professional who is passionate about delivering an exceptional service proposition to his clients. His ability to articulate himself through various situations is of a very high standard. Ron’s ability to engage and demonstrate a value proposition, that is purely client-centric, is second to none.

Joe Scarmozzino
Director at Wealth Arena
Ron Malhotra is one of those individuals who has the inspiring ability to focus on a new challenge and achieve what he sets out to do. His positive attitude, yet humble approach, truly sets him apart. Ron brings not only the qualities already mentioned, but also the capability of putting others’ needs ahead of his own.

John Wulff
Director at Wulff International
It’s rare that you meet someone with fire in their belly, vision and such a desire to help and inspire. Ron Malhotra is such an individual. I have had the pleasure to work with Ron for the past four months and he has motivated, inspired and helped me take my business to the next level. His teachings are simple, yet effective, so as to make it practical to implement.
I would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking to go to the next level and get more out of themselves or their business.

Joshua Vecchio
Hunter Galloway
Imagine the freedom and smiles you get while going to work everyday, by knowing what truly makes you happy. Ron Malhotra has guided me to achieve this path and saved me more years of my life from walking aimlessly. Thankful for his constant guidance.

Mauvin Rego
Ron Malhotra, I really truly would like to thank you for all your time you spent with me in mentoring me, not only with my career but in life. The conversations with you were an eye opener, not only for my career but my outlook on life. It’s very easy for someone to focus on everything else, except what they want to achieve.
I honestly feel I’m at a new beginning of my journey to better and bigger dreams and goals. Another point I want to make, is that you are miles ahead of the rest of the people in my professional network, in the way you engage and conduct yourself, both over the phone and in person, whether it’s one on one or in a room full of people. I can’t thank you enough for helping me get ahead with my career over the last 6 months.

Morris La Spina
Financial Advisor at Bank of Melbourne
Ron Malhotra is a great example of a Thought Leader. I was drawn to him instantly because of the energy that he possesses. Ron’s passion for helping people is amazing. Ron is genuine about empowering others and helping them realize all the potential that they possess. He doesn’t make you feel like he’s the only one with answers, but he assures you that you too have the answers within! He has truly helped me realize that I have the potential to do whatever I put my mind to. I highly recommend Ron’s work to any organization or individual.

Regina Green
Passion personified! This really is someone who gets his audience involved from the minute he walks out to deliver! Ron Malhotra’s genuinely warm and entertaining personality captured the audience immediately. He delivered a high energy presentation that was thought-provoking, insightful and exceptionally well received by those in attendance. Ron’s key message of taking control of the way one’s wealth is built was “right on the money” for the desired outcome from our small business event. An outstanding presenter who leaves a lasting impression.

Steve Osborne
Marketing Consultant at CCBG Business Showcase Series
As a smart person once said, if you want to be, do and have more, go to the person who is being, doing and has got more of what it is you want more of. Ron Malhotra is one of these passionate and committed rare individuals that will show you how to build a successful and prosperous life and enjoy the journey along the way.

Trevor Russell
Business Strategist & Sales Trainer
Hello friends. Let me first say that Ron Malhotra is a humanitarian. His true concern for his fellow man is reflected in the quality and substance of his work. By using wisdom “keys” Ron helps you unlock your potential and thus…help yourself. In turn, that helps you help others; in business, in family and in life. I am honored to give a recommendation, but moreover I urge you to look and invest yourself in him, his team, and his products. You will see returns in wisdom and success! Blessings.

Deborah Stone
CEO of The Stone Family
I’ve been reading Ron Malhotra’s posts and articles for quite some time now. I must say that most if not all of these posts resonate a level of positivity and leadership skills that are not as common on the LinkedIn feed. Ron’s level of thinking has helped me to greater understand challenges in the workplace and overcome these. In particular, his article on Mentoring deeply affected me.

It is not often that people take the time to realize the importance of mentoring. In Ron’s article, he not only showed the reasons for mentoring but also reasons that persons may not support it. His objectivity throughout the article ensures that the reader is allowed time to properly digest the material and form their own opinions.

I would highly recommend following Ron, to get some daily doses of inspiration not just for the workplace, but for your personal brand as well. Ron is always sure to cover some topic on personal development or methods of empowering people to help them reach their true potential. The passion that he pours into his posts are articles that are a force to be reckoned with and is evident in the responses that he receives from these postings. Start following him today!

Sanya Mathura
Managing Director & Senior Consultant at Strategic Reliability Solutions Ltd
Ron Malhotra is such an inspiration, he is always helping, encouraging, and promoting our ‘Self’.
He doesn’t miss a beat with positive affirmations to all. His mission is one I support and follow. A true Global leader, out to help build and create a better circumstance for each and everyone of us! Thank you Ron for all you do for humans everywhere!

Carey Junkunc
Ron Malhotra caught my attention with his honest approach, Personal Style, and Business Pedigree. However…..

He kept my attention by often pointing to the fact that one must take personal accountability seriously, in regards to past behaviors and choices, to have any kind of meaningful, positive change in their lives.

Gary F.
Ron Malhotra is the person who opened my eyes and drastically changed my life with just one short conversation and it has been a great privilege to be mentored by him, and then also work with him since. Ron is a leader, influencer and one of the greatest minds ameliorating the world. In particular, the success program developed by Ron and the team of The Successful Male movement, is the most comprehensive guide for those who want to lead a life that is happy, successful and meaningful. And if you are not following Ron Malhotra on social media, you absolutely should, as every article, post and quote that he writes and shares, changes the lives of people all around the world as we speak.

Mariya Radysh
International Speaker & Business Networking Strategist
I met Ron Malhotra about a year ago, after having given a talk at the Langham for International Women’s Day.

I wondered who this man was, as he shook my hand and commended me on my speech. In the next breath he offered me the name of a contact of his, who he thought would benefit from my services. I was pretty impressed and have followed his journey and articles since our meeting.

I find Ron’s posts highly inspirational, both from a business and personal perspective. He obviously has a firm handle on reality and the facts on which he bases his thought provoking writings. I admire his passion for really making a difference and his determination to add value to others’ lives …. A true generosity of spirit.

He is authentic in his “humanness” and this shines through. Ron’s expertise in his broad field is impressive and leaves no doubt as to his credibility and grounded advice.

I look forward to his posts and always feel motivated to spring to action… even on the “slow days”. A thought provoker and leader.

Nikki Casey
Personal Stylist & Image Consultant
I connected with Ron Malhotra 6 months ago. Ron is very respectful, outgoing and very friendly. He took the time to get to know me and learned what I have accomplished so far, and the goals that I am now working on to have a successful future. Since I have been reading his posts, I have learned so much about his career background. His posts will make you see things in a more positive way.

Recently I mentioned on LinkedIn that I am planning to write my very first book. Ron reached out to me offering guidance, during our discussion there was so much that Ron brought up that I did not know before, when I first thought about writing my book. If you think that reaching your goal is just for the money, have a discussion with Ron, he will definitely have you thinking differently.

Erin Brochu
Project Manager at VoiceXP, Inc.
Ron Malhotra is a disciplined, astute thought leader who is constantly in pursuit of excellence in everything he does. He is entirely dedicated to making a positive difference to the world, by sharing his incredible wealth of ever expanding knowledge. Wise beyond his years, Ron possesses the rare talent of facilitating real transformation in others seeking to fulfill their full potential and achieve success in business and happiness in their lives.

Dan Kennedy
Partner & Consultant at Horizon Property Alliance
Ron Malhotra has been coaching me for the last little while, he is the absolute best. The time, the effort, the genuine interest is to be commended. We have a time difference of about 9 and half hours, he manages to contact me each day. My life has taken on a different direction completely. I’ve just stepped into my passion and purpose with Ron’s help. He took me back to my core, my life is changing. I am so grateful and feel blessed! My only wish is for people to experience this too! Great people do exist, Ron is one of these. He is a true “Leader of Hearts”. Whatever service he offers you, he is ALL in. “I won’t quit before you do, You will give up before I do”. “Let me help you design your new life…” These were his words to me and now I am SOARING! I am grateful!!!

Samantha Omar
Founder & CEO at Linking Africa
Ron Malhotra is an intelligent professional, with a diverse set of valuable skills. He consistently adds value through his daily work. His approach is logical and direct and utilises his great storytelling ability, to deliver powerful messages. I highly recommend Ron to help you or your business thrive.

Adam Bowcutt
Co-Founder XnForce™ & Founder BSA Action Sports Group
I have had over 30 years of experience in Personal Development at all levels and this was key to my success in life so far, rising to the top in two different industries and even beating cancer (mindset). I have participated and interacted with most other professionals in this field.

Ron Malhotra is the only one that I have found that embraces all aspects of Personal Development. I have found others specialise in parts and that’s their focus. Ron embraces all the areas that folks need to know to achieve personal growth, and that’s rare! That’s pretty unique in my books.

Graham R Williams
Life Styler & Leisure Plans
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